Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Heady Days of Uni (Part 1)

Quote of the Day: Have you done your tut?

I'm in what is supposed to be the most exciting city in the world with a million things to do. Broadway, Timesquare, 5th Avenue, Central Park....ok you get the idea. But somehow I'm just plain bored and feel no compulsion to go to these places even though they are no more than 20 minutes by foot! Instead, i rather be in Perth, Western Australia. Now where the hell is that?! I may as well have said Timbuktoo! At least that would have been recognizable. Was talking to Modern Millie earlier and she said she hated Perth! *gasp*

What follows will hardly be of any interest if you're looking for something funny to laugh at but if you want to reminisce about uni life, read on.

My mood during lectures takes one of two; sleepiness or restlessness. Don't quite know which is worse but restlessness is certainly less embarassing. You annoy the lecturer but you don't piss them off. Yawning can be cleverly disguised or covered, but not closing your eyes for the briefest of moments. What felt like an extended eyeblink would result in a sight to behold. Your lecturer will be staring dead ahead at you and the class of 300 people will be quieter than if the lecturer had called for order himself. Cue *Violin Strains*

So most of the time, i settled for restlessness. A favourite is leg shaking. If each leg shake was an ab press, my legs would have the muscle definition equivalent to a 6 pack. As it is, it annoyed the hell out of the people next to me who were desperately taking notes or trying to concentrate on which entry had to go into the credit column or why the aggregate demand curve was the way it was. Normally I got a "Please stop shaking", the subtle head turn (repeated several times until they can't take it and tell me) and once i had someone try to stop my shaking by putting her hand on my leg to stop it coming up!

Now, on the rare occasions that both strike together, my legs get into motion and i "sleepwalk" my way out of the lecture and draw the stares of everyone again. Thankfully, this was never done by me alone but with a fellow interloper, CH. Nachos and Hampden Road were always more attractive anyway.

Bloopers were never confined to the lectures. My worst and best was my first International Finance tut bright and early at 8am on a monday morning. I was first in and 15 minutes early, cos naturally i was trying to do it in time to speak should i be asked to. Luckily, or so it seemed, this studious looking chick walked in.

Me (Brashly): God only knows why we have tuts on a Monday morning at 8am, who on earth would want to come?! By the way, have you done your tut, I haven't touched it."

Chick (Hesitantly): Yah.

Me: Could I have a look at it?

Chick (confused): errr, not really.

Ok, this is where I make like a deer caught in headlights. Flee or stay...flee or stay....stay...only cos i was too shocked to do anything else. It turned out that the chick was my tutor, and the moment of realization, when she took out her white board markers.

Well, I was glad i stayed, that class was good both for quality of teaching and tut mates. Although i wasn't surprised when she "accidentally" made a summing error while marking the mid term exam. No doubt she will read this soon; give me your hollow defense in the comments section if you dare! :P Anyway, we are great friends now and I've made her pay me back for the grievious error many times over :P

Time check 7:22am....better rush to get that IF tut sheet!