Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Past is Just That

Quote of the Day: Don't let it be a crying shame

Crushes make us do many seemingly silly things. Like keep the empty ciggie packs of the crushee, leave from badminton then come back when the crushee comes in to play. You know who you are :) Write some very thinly veiled emails (see ealier entry). Myself, I've jumped tut assignment groups, cycled round and round the same place hoping to catch a glimpse. Thankfully, most crushes run their course and die off, be it a week or 3 years. (Anything more than that is an obsession; Get some help or go ask!) Most crushes don't eventuate into relationships, because they aren't normally mutual,and a good thing too.

What's a crying shame is when compatible people who like each other heaps don't end up together. One reason is the past. This is normally a friggin battleaxe for relationships.

It is just plain frustrating when i see it happen. I'm not talking about convicted serial killers or bank robbers. I'm talking about people who have been divorced. It is unfortunate but there is still a big stigma to this whole issue. No doubt helped along by the ample warnings from parents and society as a whole. I mean, ask yourself this, "What's the difference between a divorce and a long long relationship that has ended?" Ans. The former is just a more expensive experience and now there will be a wedding dress to put up on ebay! I am all for family values and i do think they are a cornerstone of society but when you have to go, you have to go, especially when there are no children involved. I mean what's happened in the past has happened right? Does it mean the person has an arm less or is in some way a lesser person? It is friggin unfair if the person has to be tainted for life? If anything, i reckon a person who has been divorced once before and gone through the emotional hardship would really know what a relationship means and requires.

The next difficult part is when to tell the other person in the relationship of a divorce in their past? Haha, right at the start so straightaway everyone gets scared off for no good reasons? Or later, when a relationship is stable already? This is an impossible dilemma i reckon. Say it early and doors are just slammed shut, say it late and somehow, the other will feel that it has been hidden. Tough Tough.

Hopefully, it will come down to how the people invovled feel about each other. I mean they are still the same people they met from day one and fell in love with.

Can't believe you're reading this from me of all people huh? Yup, this is for a friend. It will be a crying shame if he has to pay a second time for something he has suffered enough for already. Hang in there, give the other time too :) Here's wishing you two the best. (failing which, we can play baddie 7 nights a week I guess)


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