Saturday, May 15, 2004

Subtle Pickup Emails (Part 2)

Quote of the Day: The Internet is impersonal.

We don't get to know each other as well anymore. We don't REALLY interact when we talk online, even in real time. The list goes on. Whatever.

I reckon the internet has given us all the potential to interact with another human being without being tainted by how he/she looks in real life. Kinda like "pen pals" on steroids since we can send messages back and forth so quickly to people on the other side of the world.

The anonymity available to us online is an even greater tool for closer and personal interaction. We CAN talk about all kinds of issues that we would never be caught dead talking about with people we know. What greater closeness than when discussing such?

Bahhh....what am i going on about anyway...on to more funny stuff, no doubt impossible without emails. I can't imagine the guy saying all this to the girl!

Comments from the chick in bold, what evil lurks in writer guy in italics, names have been changed so as not to embarass anyone too badly.

Hi Justin Henin-Hardenen

So let me summarise our similarities till now: both originated from LalaLand I didn't see your Made In LalaLand sticker, studied undergrad + masters at CIA,May as well say we're the same species...*rolls eyes* likes Timbuktu, likes badminton, likes 'Friends', equally skinny Skinny?! You're the scrawny one! I'm slender, thank you! both thinking about the future. 55th person i tried this on, cross my fingers.

But one of our major difference reminds me of 'Beauty & the Beast', You're too skinny to be the beast! obviously you are the beauty and i'm the beast! .....what do you think? Not spending any more time on this, *forward*

The Beast!

Pretty darn weak post i reckon. Hope this will be the worst it ever comes to. *tired* *tired*


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