Thursday, May 06, 2004

Today at Baddie

Quote of the Day: I felt this intense pain!

Finally, badminton sessions on Wenesday resumed! Pretty usual session just that my racquet finally gave way! But what a way to go out. Despite their apparent toughness, racquets are really fragile items. With strings pulling on each side to the strength of 23lbs....a slight knock on the edge can cave the frame in. Of course, i did better than that!

I managed to swing a really hard backhand stroke straight into my partner's leg! Don't ask how come we were that close and did not see each other. Anyway, my racquet broke in 2 places on the head! (By some miracle, the shuttle still made it over, I think he hit it).

What's really funny was what he said. "I felt this intense pain but i carried on playing. Then I noticed I was playing by myself. Then it hurt so bad, i felt like sitting down." All that in his Russian accent. I would have laughed out if not for the 2 dark red welts on his leg.

My poor racquet...sighhh....then again, it's served me well and despite all the abuse it has been subjected to, continued to hold up.

Note to future partners (watch out for my backhand!) Here's to you MP-77, *gulp a drink of coke*