Sunday, June 06, 2004

Ping Pong

Quote of the Day: Damn it!

While i was away in Quebec, dad buoght a couple of ping pong bats. You know, those kiddy type things. $10 for two bats and 3 balls.

Anyway, i never realized how fun ping pong could be! No proper ping pong table at home so we use the dinner table and 4 tissue boxes as net. The table isn't anywhere near as big so we have to play so carefully...prolly more than a surgeon doing an open heart procedure. Then when the ball is hit out and neither of us catches it in time, we find all these new corners behind cupboards and couches that we never knew existed.

As to who normally dad was a combined schools player last time! No's like me beating a 3 year old in badminton! However, i did manage to win once, when he played with his left hand straight after a tiring day of golf :)

However, it is my mom who is most fearsome! She closes her eyes and smacks the ball real hard when not sure. This means i have to watch out for eyeball popping shots!


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