Sunday, July 18, 2004

All good things...

Moniq: The banquet can't last forever
Me: But you don't wanna step into a buffet 10 minutes before closing time.
Just realized that my blogging activity is REALLY falling off :P  Last blog i had was about last saturday!
Anyway, family decided to have dim sum today, at this cavernous dim sum hall.  Usual stuff like hargao and siewmai, but we also had clams and for the first time since i came to NY, i had bubble tea!  Missed that so bad.  Main reason we went there to eat was cos i was meeting up with friends in Flushing again for another show but had no idea how to get there. 
As it turned out, it was an easy 5 minute bus ride to Flushing's town area where i met up with my friend Monique.  The area was more Chinese than anywhere in Singas!  As in you get all these people speaking in Mandarin, bookshops for Chinese books only and huge vcd/video shops with tons of Chinese serials.  Because we were early, we ended up in a bubble tea joint and i had my second for the day!  This time a 24 oz monster!  Man...didn't realize how much i missed that totally unhealthy drink.  Bubble tea sellers in Singas who are reeling from competition, just hang tight, i'll be back soon!
Finally met up with the rest of the bunch (Lei, Serena, Chia and Clarence).   Movie we saw was I, Robot which was pretty good.  Effects were nice and there were a couple of interesting turns.  Of course the storyline of AIs taking over the world have been pretty much flogged to death but still, worth watching.
Dammit, i keep gravitating back to food, but after the show, we decided on  Szechuan food.  Problem was, there were six of us and only one car!  Finally an advantage from being fat!  I got the front seat.  All good.  When ordering time came, it seemed like a few people had overestimated their propensity for spicy food and boy, did we sweat.  Serena's lips positively swelled up!  Clarence was sweating, i was sniffling and Moniq was trying to use her beer to put out the flames!  Dear friend Lei was also sweating buckets!  Only one who didn't look affected was Chia.
After dinner, hopped onto the trusty but stinky subway for home.  Even managed to drop off a few quarters to a one armed beggar (not bandit).  Kinda scary looking fella who stared hard at people who didn't wanna give him anything.  Some of the peeps on the train just stared back hard or totally ignored him.  Kinda sad.
Oh, thanks to Clarence for warning me just in time about a huge oil slick of puke at Grand Central Station.  Wouldn't do to step on that though it might have made my baddie shoe soles more tacky :P 
Post Sript:
Was tlaking to moniq online just now and i mentioned that it was a pity we all only started going out these few weeks when i've been here a whole 8 months.  That's when she brought up the chinese proverb about banquets not lasting forever.
Oh well, 10 more days here after my trip to Alaska :)  Will make those count.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first time ever saw my name being mentioned, mad proud mad proud..hope u r having fun. moniq

11:09 am  

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