Monday, July 05, 2004

All You Can Eat

Finally recovered enough to write about the sushi binge i had last night.

Got a call at 3 something in the arvo to join some baddie people for sushi buffet at this place called Yuka. Suffice to say that it was some 22 streets and 3 avenues away in the grid that is NYC. By the time i got there, there were already 9 other hungry souls and i was the last one.

This is the first sushi buffet thing i have ever been to cos i was never really a big fan of sushi. Anyway, how it works here is you write down a number next to the type of sushi and hand the slip to the waitress. So the slip would have heaps of stuff on it like Eel, Salmon, Tuna, Crab Roll etc etc. The first order we gave to the waitress totalled about 130 pieces of sushi...imagine that...130...13 pieces each person. Amazingly, that disappeared within 5 minutes of appearing. Partly because we were hungry but also there was a standing record to be challenged! LOL...the last time the bunch was there, the baddie coach, Chibing had 45 pieces! Anyway, i thought that was an impossibility until i started the end of the night, i had downed 42 and had five big glasses of water....erks...wasn't so much bloated but sick of it already. However, a new record was set by the previous holder, 54 this time..sick sick sick!

Then no more than 3 hours ago, i watched this hot dog eating competition with the famous Japanese chap that could eat 50 hotdogs, bun and sausie, in 12 minutes :P That's his record anyway. Wasn't so much impressed by him but this Asian lady who also took part. Weighing in at a gargantuan 98lbs, she can do 25 hotdoggies in the said 12 minutes. to try and top that! After i've downloaded the sushi of course.


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