Friday, August 06, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Finally caught Fahrenheit 9/11 a couple of days ago.

Seems that Bush's oil companies have been direct benefactors of Saudi oil money, especially from the royal family. They even have a nickname for the Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar who is better known as Bandar Bush. There were also many other startling connections revealed in the show. Like how every oil company Bush has been involved in has failed. Loved the sequences in the show that had Bush declaring that Airuk had new-Q-ler weapons and WMDs. Actually, i reckon Bush was right in that.

Afterall, it was the Americans that gave the Iraqies chemical weapons in the first place when Iraq was trying to fight the Iranians. Next time when they give another dictatorship chemical weapons, let me humbly suggest they secrete location beacons in them secretly, so finding them will be easier next time.In an incident a few months ago, American forces found a roadside bomb that they suspected contained WMD chemical compounds. No doubt had they turned the bomb over, they would have found "Made in America".

I just don't see how any American who has watched the show could ever vote him in. Perhaps only the employees of all the failing oil exploration companies and consultancies that he holds shares in. And luckily for him, there are other issues that he supposedly does well in. Though articulate speech isn't one of them. Several of his verbal slipups were in the show too. Will leave you to see it to find out :)


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