Saturday, August 21, 2004

Great Friday

Today has been great despite a wet start.

Was supposed to meet Hel at Singapore Sports School (SSS) at about 3 something to play baddie but because the skies were going all dark, i left the house earlier. Just in time too; i got to the bus stop no more than a minute before it started pouring. Phew...or so i thought. The wind started to pick up and i ended up totally drenched! Dammit...decided to stick it out continue on my way instead of running back home in the downpour to get more change. being the kiasu singaporean that i am, i had 5 t-shirts and extra shorts etc etc. BUT no extra socks!! argh! had to get a pair from West Mall (Bukit Batok MRT).

The SSS is actually pretty impressive looking. I love their baddie courts; the ceiling is really really high, lights are oh so bright, lines are proper ones instead of tape (which was the case in NY). They even had two synthetic carpet courts.

For my first game, i played singles with a 13 year old kid who was no taller than my armpit...and he proceeded to run my silly! I hate peeps that can run and run and run! I stay with them for the first 10 or so points but i inevitably get tired out and lose.

Next game i had, i partnered Hui Hua (ex national player) against my friend Hel and the little kid that just murdered me, Aloysius. that was a real hoot. Hel has this weird way of hitting forehand lifts...kinda like waving to tell someone to go away.

Anyway, the people there are really nice and invited me to come back again next week. I prolly will. After baddie, we went to town for dinner. Hel's hubby couldn't make it. Anyway, we had Japanese curry at a place near where the National Library used to be. I had beef curry which was excellent :) While waiting for food, we played helicopter cards. U know the kind where u challenge one another on things like speed, altitude, crew, length, etc.

GLUTTON me had a huge plate of rice witht he beef curry then ordered more rice! hehe, even finished Hel's curry fish, which she couldn't finish. Oh, washed it all down with about 7 glasses of water.

Time: 9:30pm

Rachel finally called after having finished her religious studies class (?!) and we met up with Joanna and Rach's friend Neil. Went to the Coffee Club outside California Fitness Gym near Sommerset MRT. Was Q'ing up waiting for a table when Rachel started mumbling something to me and making eyes. Was wondering what she was on about when she finally gave up and said loudly, "The guys behind you are GAY!!" Right...okay *shrug* haha

Joanna ordered a Muddy Mudpie and being pretty clueless, i just ordered the same. Man, it was heavenly. Lots of oreo crumbs with fudge. Ice cream cake :) Too good.

As it turns out, Neil and I were in the same school all the way from primary up to secondary, ACJS first than ACS. He even knew my cousin Alex and has been to my late grandparents' house!

All this time, i felt like i was in a sauna. So bloody hot and humid cos we were seated in the open air section. Didn't help that there were so many water decoration things around us. SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT. freak! Lucky the cologne and deoderant held up.

Joanna is flying off to Sabah tomorrow to be with family so we ended early. Frankly, i was quite relieved and it was great that Joanna had a car to drive. She stays like the next main street from where i am. Man, car air-con never felt so good! Along the way back, there was some road construction thing which blocked Joanna's view and we...ALMOST hit a cab. haha...thought it was pretty funny for some reason...earlier in the night, Rachel was telling everyone about my erratic driving skills. Anyway, can't blame Joanna for it, the stupid construction work essentially made a blind corner in the middle of a freaking big junction!

Apart from that minor bit of excitement, made it home all good :)

Thanks Hel for inviting me over to the SSS to play baddie and then treating me to a sumptious dinner.

Rach, Neil and Joanna for a great lot of trash talking that was funny all the way through.

As soppy as it sounds, it is always great to have good friends to hang out with.


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