Monday, August 23, 2004

Old Friend

Was out and about and bumped into Joshua, a childhood playmate. We've lost contact over the years and seeing him brought back a lot of old memories. Like how we would go to Xiao Guilin and catch tiger barbs using cut off coke bottles, caught tortoises from there too. All the cycling and scooting in and out of abandoned (in the process of major renovations and left open) houses. Oh, and i remember him and his small BMX bike that he could bunny hop to the extent of being a kangaroo jaunt.

Also remembered a couple of other secondary school cycling friends:

Conrad Choo
Son of my art teacher Edward Choo. This guy always had the spiffiest bicycle hardware. Oh, he also managed to annoy the hell out of another teacher that was staying in his apartment block. Every morning, he would hold court over one of the two lifts in his block for a few minutes. Don't quite remember how he did that. Prolly by dropping a bag in the way of the doors.

Jeremy Hu
Son of Dr Richard Hu of finance fame. This guy managed to have 2 accidents in one day. Oh, think i also managed to get scolding from his dad for calling his house too late before.

I still remember how we cycled to school on rare occasions and had to park our precious bicycles at the back of the class. Our teachers never knew what to make of it. Wonder how everyone is doing now...


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