Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Old Uni Friends

L to R: Cheryl, Janet, Denise and Me Posted by Hello

FINALLY met up with the bunch of them where we managed to update one another. Seems like everyone is moving on/settling down... man..positively felt oldish among them.

Anyway, had popiah and bbq wings in the coffee shop diagonally across Crystal Jade at Holland V. Btw, the teh peng there costs $1.20 a pop. Sheesh. Then we went for a proper dinner at this other coffee shop near Buona Vista CC. Walked and walked just for yu pian mee fun! Adjourned to NYDC after that.

Turns out Janet's cheewahwah, Louie ran off with some bitch. And when i told her my crazy indian neighbour had 5 or 6 of them in his house, she wanted to come over and check out his dogs to see whether he kidnapped her poor Louie. Thought she was kidding at first but several SMSes on my way home later, i was left in no doubt. She will be bringing a few aircraft carriers with her to liberate Louie if he is among the captives. Even if he is happy there.

Denise was a lot more civilized yesterday :) Didn't slam me against any walls, thank goodness. Think that's a symptom of people settling down. her hubby will have a tough tough time dominating her that's for sure. Unleash Gozirra at his own peril :P

Cheryl, to whom i spent heaps of time talking to on icq while in NY is now working in MOE. haha, gets to do what she loves best, read the papers. Even a good thing can wear thin too when u have to keep doing summaries of stories. But at least work is interesting and there is actually stuff to get done now, unlike her previous job.


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