Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Chicken Diarrhoea

Was reading Miyagi's blog and he had an entry about the current egg crisis we're having.

What really brought it home to me is that the Al-Ameen outside my house is now charging $0.50 more for items that have eggs, or maybe even a dollar. All i got was this vague "Pataya now $5 ah, boss, because of the egg". Thing is, i didn't even know what the pataya cost before.

Anyway, how i wish i had my own egg laying hen now, just so i can ridicule all the people who thought me crazy for having kept 4 chickens in my garden in my primary school days. Remember when we could buy a chicks and ducklings from our science teachers? Like $1.20 for a chick and $2.00 for a duckling. At that time, i thought they were pretty much the same thing, just that people who bought ducklings were getting a really raw deal.

First, they cost more. At primary school in the late 1980s, every cent of pocket money counts. 80 cents could get you a whole bowl of wanton mee, with extra wanton and char siew thrown in! Secondly, ducklings were noisy from the moment you took them home, quacking like mad. At that time i didn't see the humour in it, but the science teacher selling the fowl creatures was a certain Mr. Quek. Lastly, duck sai ALWAYS smelt a lot worse in the class than chook shit, no idea why. Don't think they allow chicks and ducklings into classes now.

Anyway, with the generous extra pocket money my grandfather gave me (he spoilt me rotten), I managed to buy FOUR chicks! man, i bought so many, my science teacher gave me a big cardboard box to bring them home in! Everyone else cradled their one chick home in their hands or some little drink carton.

ok, these look plasticy and the 2nd from left in the middle row looks like a rooster Britney Spears in making. Posted by Hello

Can't remember the reactions of my parents but too late for them to do anything about it i guess. Then everyone started getting into the act of caring for them. My grandfather's neighbour gave me this huge metal cage that he used to house a giant iguana in so i could restrain the chicks when my grandfather let his dog loose. Then my dad bought some chicken wire mesh and wooden stakes to build a cage at home for the same reason.

By being really cautious, we never let both chicks and dogs loose at the same time..for quite a while at least... Then finally it happened, my maid was chaining the dog at the front of the house while i was poised to release the chicks and she yelled "ok". So i thought the dog was leashed but turns out she meant "ok, i will leash the dog". HAHAHAhahaha... Horror of horros, the chicks made a dash for the cage while my dog came sprinting for them. I was too small and shocked to do anything and before i knew it, one of them was in my dog's mouth!! *wack* I hit my dog with a slipper and she spat the poor little fluffy thing out. By then, the chicken had soiled itself. I kid you not, there was guaysai oozing out its ass and it couldn't stand. It was trembling like heck and it must have had a lion's heart not to have died of shock!

Anyway, it survived and all 4 grew up pretty big. And then one fine day, i woke up and there were only 3 left! I ran around the garden looking for the 4th one and thought my dog had somehow gotten to it at night. It was a lot more sinister than that! My maid, seeing as how they were so big and well fed, took it upon herself to slaughter and cook them!! Argh!! I ate my own pet for dinner the previous night and none of us but my maid knew!! *trauma* *tears* *anger* *wishes of death on maid*.

At least the other 3 died natural deaths i guess. Come to think of it, there msut have been some conspiracy. They never once laid an egg and there were two hens and one rooster left after the other was murdered by my maid.

hmm.. been wanting to get a dog, maybe i can try getting a few chicks instead :)) heeheee But then again, better not lah, sekali they start crowing around dinner time like my uncle's


Blogger PinkyTwins said...

Aww!! Poor little chickadee! Bitten by your dog! I can't imagine its pain! *yikes*

11:24 am  

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