Sunday, September 05, 2004

Day of Activity

Started off with Dim Sum at East Ocean or something like that :P One of their managers was this Hong Kong guy that was pretty charming to Joanna and Rachel :) Rach positively melted when he spoke to her, even though she didn't understand a word of what he was saying.

The guy was pretty helpful but a little comical. Said he would go to the kitchen to fight for a plate of fried squid for us then ended up giving up a plate of friend fish. Duh :P hahaha... then later Joanna told him that Rachel said he was very cute. LOL, should have seen Rachel's face turn a very deep red immediately. Hilarious.

After lunch, it was on to business for Rach and Joanna with me tagging along. Walked all over the big DFS building opposite Far East so Rach could find a bag but there just weren't any nice ones around. So we headed on down to Paragon where there is a big Gucci shop.

Man, it took her more than an hour of toting that bag on and off in front of a mirror to finally decide to get it. Oh, there were three of us there to persuade her that she looked gorgeous with it, not that she doesn't look gorgeous without it (think i had too much sugar syrup earlier). She even managed to force her friend, Pauline, to come rushing own to the shop in her semi sleepwear
haha....imagine, someone wearing really lok kok in Gucci trying to persuade someone to buy something.

Gasp! Rachel's $970 Gucci bag. Well, guess it isn't so bad cos there is a 25% rebate to be gotten come December. Posted by Hello

We were supposed to have a BBQ today but turned out that there were too few of us to make it worthwhile. Besides, we'd done ZIP prep work for it. Didn't even have a pit man. Ended up eating dinner at Adam's Road hawker centre. Man, the place has changed heaps; bright lights, more tables and chairs...but same people running the shops as 5 years ago when i made nightly jaunts here with NS cycling buddies.

Borrowed Finding Nemo from Joanna, will prolly be laughing my head off for the rest of tonight.


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