Monday, September 27, 2004

Eventful Sunday

Sis and I went with J to Rach's church funfair thing where i managed to buy a huge bag of Mamee dried noodles. Also got to see a Franciscan monk in his full robe, habit, or whatever one can call it. Haha, it was so thick, i bet he suffers from dehydration everytime he steps out of an aircon environment.

Made a stop on the way home at Cold Storage to grab potatoes and other groceries to prepare for the night's lantern festival potluck to be held at my place. Long time ago's supper friends were invited to enjoy the nicely strung up lanterns bought by sis.

Mini drama only occured when we boiled the potatoes and they came out soft as mash! Putting them in a cold bath then fridging them helped. Anyway, sis was in charge of making the salad so i left her to it. Already helped peel and cut them as it was. Oh...for those of you starved for eggs, she managed to find 5 eggs to hardboil and mix in!

Got an SMS from Trudy saying she couldn't make it cos she managed to get food poisoning. Well, it would prolly happen to us by tomorrow anyway, seeing as how the eggs we used were pre-ban era ones. You missed out girl!

From L to R: Yilin, Rachel, Dannie, Sharon, Sue Anne, Teri, Roy, Joanna and Me Posted by Hello

Sharon brought her dog Herbie. A golden retriever that was more tanned than the yellowish looking ones we normally see. Roy would later abuse the poor fellow by making face shapes with his extra skin and ears, and carrying him all over the shop. Rach and Suena were terrified of him, especially when i dangled food near them so Herbie would get real close.

We all also had a whale of a time cracking jokes about Roy and his "balls!", which according to Sue Anne, had to be said with feeling. Afterall, she kept them warm on her lap all through the car ride to my place. You had to be here to believe it and i'm sure the neighbours were got a bit uncomfy when we started cracking rah (RA) jokes. haha...wonder if the poor kid studying at a window facing us caught our banter and asked his parents what some of it meant.

They may have to put up with it again near the end of the year if we should hold another one. This time everyone will get more than 3 days notice and opposed to this one :P

Potato Salad
Roy's Swedish meatballs!
Suena's chook wings
Joanna's fried rice
Rachel's mee goreng
Sharon's dips (homemade, no less)
Dannie and Yiling's Ben & Jerry's ice cream.


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