Saturday, September 04, 2004

A Special Friend

Read a blog post of a special, special friend and it brought back all sorts of memories. Sighh... how i wish hings could have turned out differently. But they did not.

Oh well, i refuse to dwell any further on the trying times (i know i'll come back to them again sometmie). But instead remember all that was special and great of that time.

Stammers... nothing like walking around in there with you to look for watermelons for juicing at serene's house. Yes, i remember your grossed out look when i started eating the pulp, but it was really juicy still! That there was too much juice to finish later is besides the point :P

Oh, by the way, i bumped into Serene last night at Paragon. She asked me to arrange an outing for us all but i told her i would ask you to do that instead :P *muahaha* i still remembered at the back of my mind while i was talking to her what she called me. *wonder if it will be rat poison or cyanide* muahahaha

Hahaha...oh, and the bump you managed to inflict on yourself when bouncing off Serene's bed. LOL, oh well, i tried to stop you flying off like a train out of control but i'm no Spiderman.

What i remember most was how we were at Pt Walter and the benches were damp after a light rain but we still wanted to sit and enjoy the serenity. Guess who became the bench on a bench :P Think i remember my leg going numb after a few minutes. From that day on, it seemed like the benches were always wet even when they were dry. It felt so warm and comforting. Not least because i was using you as a wind shield :P haha :)

And the sandbar... man... it's a whole life there. Ducks quacking suddenly in the total darkness. i could have sworn they were T-Rexes out there. And the fear on the first few times that the tide would come in and we'll be stranded. Then again, that thought wasn't entirely unpleasant.

Our goodbyes came in Perth on Cotts beach in a timeless hug. Happiness, sadness... Joy and despair... What was overwhelming was regret that things could not have been any other way, or that i hadn't the courage to make them any other way. I believe we still owe one another some 999,997 hugs?

Has this story finally ended? Like how we were never able to finish Serendipity despite numerous attempts. Our timings have been anything but serendipitous.


Blogger the wandering soul said...

most possibly so.

there are things which i didnt and still dont understand. but i'm ready to leave it as that. no regrets.

the time that was given to us, though brief, was one of the happiest. that is how i would want to remember us.

oh and for the record, i still maintain that i did *not* bounce off serene's bed. i was pushed, remember? =Pp

7:03 pm  
Blogger cokecat said...

happiest memories for me by far :P

as for your head bump... oh alright, i gave u a *teeny* little nudge


it is all good that we can still hang out and have a great time, for which i am glad

11:08 pm  

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