Sunday, September 12, 2004

Lazy Sunday, Think Think

Slept at 5am odd again then woke at about 2pm. Talk about sleepless, wonder if there are jobs that require these kinds of sleeping patterns. Then slept again from 5pm odd to 9pm. All up, 13 hours of sleep, pretty abnormal.

Too much time to think about relationships and their pitfalls.

In the last few hours, i've spoken to a few in the whole range and thought about others.

One of them, an ex-classmate, is seeing another of my ex-classmates. Never knew they had attended language school together before entering the MBA course. I'm so so happy that she has found a love, someone who is able to look beyond her past and understand that people deserve a second chance, especially when they are fundamentally people. You see, she is a divorcee, like another friend who faced a similar issue in the past. It restores your faith in people when you find people willing to see the good person for whom he/she really is.

Really happy for you K, really am.

On the other hand, H is facing trouble in marriage. How can I advice another when i don't know the situation, and even if i knew the situation, should i or can i really offer advice? It is horrible when a relationship's feeling is all but gone or damaged tremendously. I settle for offering support, which is the least and, at the same time, most i can do. Come on girl, you'll survive as you always have. And i promise i won't disappear from sight like when i did last time. You're a good person H and things will come good no matter what.

On a more optimistic note. A few days ago,
*beep* *beep*
1 message receieved
"Don't forget my RoM is on the 25th of Sept ah!"
Haven't met the lucky guy yet but will on that day. Am looking forward to congratulating you with all my heart, and enjoying the buffet with all my stomach :) Importance in that order, i promise, cross my heart and hope to die.

Just hope your ROM won't be like a certain G's that my good friend Jasslyn attended (side note, J is a magnet for disaster). The bride-to-be decided to call her mother-in-law all kinds of horrid names and drove one and all to tears. Poor Jass was caught in the middle of it all. i recall, this was supposed to be a short holiday back in SG for respite from trials and tribulations in Perth. What a break it was for her :P

It got to the point where the registrar said, "i don't think you two should be getting married" How right he was.

Divorce rates seem to be going up huh? But oh well, it still feels like there are a lot more happily married people out there than unhappy ones. D, here is wishing you the best for yours :)


Blogger Mr Miyagi said...

That's like my sleeping pattern. Nope. No jobs for that.

11:33 pm  
Blogger cokecat said...

think only job i am qualified for that requires such hours is a jargar at some factory in lim chu kang

2:32 am  
Blogger PinkyTwins said...

Hey I know! SGX gets pple to sit around in the office (I don't know what they do though... tabulate stuff maybe) from like 9pm till 6am in the morning. Alternatively, pick up bartending and work in clubs.

9:44 am  
Blogger cokecat said...

hmm hmm.. it's been established that i can't count though! haha...and i can't take smoke and drinks... think i stick to being jargar

12:08 pm  

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